Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Welcome to my Writing Table


Thank you for joining me here at my blog. I've decided to write within the scope of "It's My Perception". In this blog space I will share how I perceive things in my life--inside and out, also in the world sometimes, and will come mostly from an intellectual heart space. We wouldn't be human without the heart or the brain interpreting mind.  Since mind is comprised of thought, it is through the brain that we pick and choose which thoughts come into our consciousness. These thoughts are then discerned by us, and we can choose which thoughts then go back out into the group mind. This hopefully brings our desired structured reality to us so that we can experience life through our senses; touch, sight, hearing, smell, taste, and the grouping of sixth sense qualities such as intuition, psychic insight, spirit reception and more.

As many know I am a psychic, clairvoyant, intuitive and channel. Not only does my brain race with thoughts, I have well developed receptors to many underlying energies going on within experience. Sometimes all of this information can become overwhelming and painful. I work to consciously come from a place of joy most of the time, but once in a while the overwhelm gets to me. I would say that indeed I have a highly developed nervous system, which qualifies me as an HSP (highly sensitive person--Elaine Aron).

This semester of my graduate program I chose to take a class called "Writing as Art". I am happy to be in this course because it is forcing me to sit with pen and paper, and create--write and draw. In today's photo I exhibit my writing table. Every morning as the sun beats in my window, and I have the view of Spanish Peaks in front of me, I write-by hand-in my journal. I find that I have a lot to say. It's not like this is the end of my life, in the third trimester whatsoever. Often it feels like the beginning of my life, and yet I have a story to tell.

So for now "It's My Perception" is just that--my perception. Often people have told me that I have an interesting interpretation of life and situations but my perception is tainted with the psychic abilities I have, like it or not. I am using this venue/format so that I can sort out what is personal preference or opinion, and what is psychic perception. And I finally want to share my perception on a regular basis with whomever may want to view. What is truth and what is not? These ethical concerns for me are important. If you enjoy my process and learn from it, then that is wonderful. If not, there is no need to stay on the page. 

I welcome anyone here that comes in peace and wants to enjoy, learn and just that is what life is, a state of be-ing. That is my perception.

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